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Objectives of the Health Committe


The Health Assistance Committee had its origin from the efforts of dedicated members of the Dominica Academy of Arts and Sciences (DAAS) to meet an urgent appeal for equipment and medical supplies from the Princess Margaret Hospital during this austere economic period in Dominica.

Fortunately, DAAS had set up an online affiliate Guest Page for Friends of PMH, an NGO organised to raise funds for the Princess Margaret Hospital. Friends of PMH was utilised to coordinate the urgent appeal from the hospital with resounding success. It was clear the effort would have to continue as equipment and supplies were an ongoing requirement for the health services at home. Hence the need arose for DAAS Health Assistance Committee.

The Objective

It is not surprising, therefore, that Friends of PMH and this Committee would share the same arena. In short, any activity undertaken by DAAS - fundraising, soliciting of equipment and supplies, gifts and donations from persons and organisations, etc. - with the goal of assisting our health services, falls within the 'objectives' of this Committee.

Among other things the Committee will

Marvlyn Birmingham
Chair, Health Assistance Sub-committee
