Donations to DAAS Development Fund
Dear Members and Supporters:
To pay dues or make donations via Credit Card, please click this DAAS PayPal link button below. Note that you do not need to have a personal PayPal account to do so.
On the spaces provided on the PayPal request form, please enter for what purpose and amount.
Purposes include:
- Camp Rescue Londonderry (CRL) - This proposal is for an extended residential rehabilitation and change programme to cater to the needs of at-risk youth. The programme comprises four components: Training, Apprenticeship, Mentorship and Family Counselling/Intervention. See Working Draft
- Member Fees (See Fee Structure below),
- PRCC Rebuilding Fund - A fund sponsored by the Portsmouth Roman Catholic Church. See PRCC Online Pledge Form
- The ROC Fund - the Ralph Casimir and Orian Cultural Fund (ROC - Fund) to provide the financial resources to raise the level of cultural awareness among our youths and for the teaching of music and music business. See programme at
- PMH Trust Fund - to augment the Princess Margaret Hospital's funding for important patient needs. See
- Advertising Payments - Fees from DAAS Ad Partners at
- DAAS Writers AD Programme - a fund based on contributions from DAAS writers for advertising at
- DAAS-HAITI Earthquake Fund -
- Dominica Cadet Corps - Character Training Program
- DGS Audio-Visual Room
- Dominica State College Scholarship Fund
- Botanic Gardens Development Fund -
- One Laptop Per Dominican Child
- Kidney Transplant Operation - urgently required!
- Cathedral Renovation Fund - NATIONAL BANK OF DOMINICA SAVINGS NO.100060310 -
Payment Instructions
If you prefer to use checks, mail your donations - specifying on the MEMO for what purpose - payable to:
Dominica Academy of Arts & Sciences (Overseas)C/O Clayton Shillingford, DAAS, 1522 Braken Ave, Wilmington, DE 19808;
Tel: 302 239-9643; FAX: 302 234-4148
Email: Dr. Clayton Shillingford,
(for Interim Overseas Treasurer)
Dominica Academy of Arts & Sciences (Dominica)C/O Nicholas Waldron, (Local Treasurer); Checkhall; P.O.Box 2360, Roseau, Dominica;
Tel: 7674490265; Cell:7672752030
Email: Nicholas Waldron
DAAS is a US Registered Non-Profit Organisation
- Student members (Associates): - exempt until graduated
- Local Chapter members: - EC $40.00 per annum
- US, Canada, UK & European members: - US $40.00 per