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How DAAS Committees Operate


Because of the international and online nature of the Dominica Academy of Arts and Sciences (DAAS), the Committee system appears to be the most adaptable and effective method of operations. Our bylaws provide for Standing Committees and gives the Board and President the authority to appoint sub-committees to undertake the organisation and execution of any project deemed feasible and necessary for the attainment of our mission.

As seen at the left main index, DAAS operates with several committees. Each committee has a chairperson with members dispersed around the world. Each committee is equipped with webpages which coordinate and update information for the benefit of both committee members and the general membership.

Modus Operandi

Project Orientation

Committees operate by projects. These are manageable, doable and practical initiatives which will benefit Dominica. In the main, these are supportive of development efforts at home and coordination is therefore essential for economy of effort. However, new innitiatives in science and technology are highly recommended as we take Dominica into the twentyfirst century.

Becoming a Committee Member

Any Academy member may volunteer to participate in any committee where he or she believes their knowledge and experience would be very helpful in attaining the DAAS Mission. An email to the chairperson of the committee is all that is necessary. (Just click on the respective chairperson's photo on the left).

This by no means precludes any member from offering workable and worthwhile suggestions to any committee at anytime. Therefore, in essence, all DAAS members are 'ex-officio' members of all committees. None is left out!

BOARD of DIRECTORS: The Board will be chaired by the President (pro tem, ex-officio) and includes the following members:

Following its 10th anniversary and pending elections of a new management structure, the Board of Directors and Executive Committee have been suspended and replaced by an Interim Management Committee comprising the following volunteers:

President, ProTem - Gabriel Christian
VP & PRO - Dave Shillingford
President Emeritus/Strategic Partnerships - Clayton Shillingford
Executive Treasurer - Julius Corbett
Treasurer Local Chapter - Nicholas Waldron
Executive Secretary & Webmaster - Raglan Riviere
Co-opted members - Amb. Gregoire, Thomson Fontaine, Irving Andre
