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RDF/DAAS 2002 Nationwide FOCUS GROUP SURVEY of Dominica High Schools

(Prepared by Dr. Peter K. B. St. Jean with editorial comments by Elizabeth C. Adrien, Athenia Benjamin, and Dr. Donald Peters)


This report is a summary of findings from a focus group survey conducted with Dominica high school students on October 28th and 29th 2002, during the 2002 RDF/DAAS Symposium held in Dominica.

The purpose of the survey was to understand, directly from the Dominica youth, what they considered the most pressing problems affecting the nation and themselves, and what solutions they propose.

The study was motivated by the concerns of Dominicans at home and abroad who have contributed much resources and efforts to formulate the RDF and DAAS. These organizations aim at contributing to general quality of life among Dominicans at home and abroad.

A two-pronged effort in this regard is

  1. to generate better understandings about the problems confronting the Dominica populace; and
  2. to work towards tangible and sustainable solutions.

This study is an example of such an effort.

(See Full Report)