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Commonwealth of Dominica Re-Union 2008

Reunion Development Conference Challenges and Responses

The Dominica Academy of Arts & Sciences (DAAS) President's Remarks at the Opening of the Development Conference, October 21 - 23, 2008

Greetings to everyone. Let me first recognize the presence of President Nicholas Liverpool and Mrs. Liverpool, Members of our Government, the Media, Staff of the Reunion Committee, and other distinguished ladies and gentlemen. I would also like to thank Swinburne Lestrade and the Reunion Committee for inviting myself and other DAAS members to attend and participate in this Reunion Development Conference titled “Dominica’s Development; Challenges and Responses Going Forward”.

Let me say a few words about DAAS and our DIASPORA organisations and communities.

DAAS Mission Statement is clear and is entirely consistent with the central purpose of this Conference:

To engender a high quality of life at home and abroad by creating a unified global Dominican community committed to leveraging our intellectual, financial, and relationship capital to execute effective national development initiatives

Those who listened to Professor Rex Nettleford at his Fort Young Reunion special lecture could not help but discern the tremendous interest and commitment that the Jamaican Government, public and private sectors have accorded to their Jamaican Diaspora. In fact they have gone far enough to establish a Diaspora Foundation, a Diaspora Institute, a Diaspora Day and to arrange to have Diaspora Conferences every two years in June. Prof Nettleford mentioned the importance of remittances to the Jamaican community the absence of which would further exacerbate poverty in the country.

The role of the Dominican Diaspora is no different from Jamaica …except in terms of scale. In 2003 Diaspora remittances to Dominica in cash and kind exceeded export revenue for the first time. For the estimated Diaspora population of 130, 000 Dominicans overseas remittances stood at EC$180 million in 2007 equivalent to 18 to 20 % of GDP

DAAS has provided a DIASPORA policy document in 2005 entitled. ..DRAFT DOMINICA - DIASPORA POLICY PAPER (A Working Blueprint). It can be seen at the DAAS website. This document requested by Prime Minister Skerrit in 2004 authorized the Dominica Academy of Arts and Sciences (DAAS) to undertake this work as a matter of some urgency. This initiative, under the direct sponsorship of the Ministry of Finance and Planning straddles the administrative and policy concerns of most, if not all, of the national ministries and agencies, and was intended to address a leading-edge policy of concern to several national governments around the world.

The document deals with several issue pertaining to the relationship which currently exists between Dominica and its nationals resident abroad (Diaspora) and how that relationship might be improved to the benefit of all Dominicans. These issues were addressed by identifying approaches and characteristics to co-opting the Diaspora in the task of national development and reminds nationals at home and abroad that success depends on mutual cooperation, compromise and commitment to the future of the nation.

The document raises the concerns of nationals abroad and of returned nationals (returnees). Returnee contributions of time, knowledge, skills, investments etc are also major contributions to the development process. The present structure and function of Dominica's overseas missions are assessed and where gaps/shortcomings exist, suggestions are made for better delivery of more effective services to and with the aid of nationals abroad. It also considers how and under what conditions the Diaspora might act effectively to complement the formal role of an energized foreign service in promoting development among the Diaspora and non-nationals alike.

The document lists also a number of key recommendations to span short to longer term opportunities. Government should establish an Inter-ministerial Secretariat to be located in the Prime Minister's Office to be responsible for managing and promoting the issues related to Diaspora Affairs. Other recommendations include Trade, Tourism and Investment promotion overseas, and Direct Diaspora Investments. With the aid of the Diaspora contacts in foreign news agencies and training centres, we should work towards establishing a professional Dominica Information Service (radio, television, magazines, audio/visual tools, documentaries) which chronicles and publicizes the day-to-day story of Dominica for its nationals abroad as well as for non –nationals.

From this brief analysis it will be seen that the Diaspora Policy constitutes a major compliment to the matters to be dealt with in this Conference. ..Peoples Quality of Life, Tourism and Business Development, Globalisation Issues and an Expanded Role for the Diaspora.

As a consequence we would strongly recommend the review of the Diaspora Policy Document by our Government, any accompanying negotiation on its contents and forward movement to its implementation as a necessary pillar to the national development effort.

Thank you.