IMG - February/04. Fifth Media Report

2003. Oct. | Dec.: 2004: | Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | IMG Proposals | Ninth & Final Report |

  1. We received the " DOMINICA GOVERNMENT ECONOMIC PROGRAM - PERFORMANCE TO DECEMBER 31, 2003" dated February 16, 2004. We received performance for December 2003 as well as the fiscal performance for July to December 2003.
  2. On Thursday February 26, 2004 we conducted our review in accordance with our terms of reference. Based on that review we issued our Letter of Assurance in a communication to the Prime Minister dated February 26, 2004 indicating that the Government was on track with respect to performance targets and benchmarks under the Stabilization and Recovery Program
  3. In our letter to the Prime Minister we noted that the country had a long way to go before we are out of the woods. We reminded the Prime Minister of observations and recommendations made to him in letters dated November 25, 2003 and February 6, 2004
  4. The Prime Minister promised to meet the Group on March 5, 2004 ashe could not keep the original date of February 25, 2004. We told him that we would be looking forward then to discussing with him and his staff some of these recommendations with a view to implementation.

I.M.G. Chairman