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Reasons For Joining DAAS

You can contribute from where you are!

You've got the means, the ideas, the equipment and the technology. The Internet has shortened the distance between you and Dominica considerably. Today, you can virtually discuss an issue with others as if you were actually in a conference room or in Cabinet.

This is the technique used for our DAAS Discussion Papers and Forum. It transcends space and time and assumes no qualification requirements except that you are a Dominican excited about helping Dominica.

Your work will be recognized!

Times they are a-changing! The late Prime Minister Rosie Douglas' vision of the contribution of the Dominican Diaspora in the development of Dominica is becoming a reality.

It was gratifying, therefore, to have received acknowledgement from the Prime Minister, also the late Honourable Pierre Charles, for our contributions to the development of our homeland in a letter dated June 23, 2003, to the DAAS President:

"Permit me the opportunity to applaud the efforts of the members of the Dominica Academy of Arts and Sciences, and to reaffirm the commitment of my Government to working with you on matters of national development...". (Hon. Pierre Charles, PM)

Partisan politics won't count!

All political parties are welcome, including the Freedom Party, Labour Party, United Workers Party and any other political organisation. DAAS places people before party. Without a doubt Party philosophies and policies have not had any significant, positive impact on Dominica's development. For this reason alone DAAS will not let partisan politics influence its work in any way, shape or form. Regardless of your political persuasion, you have the right, as a Dominican, to participate fully in the effort to build our country. Dominica belongs to ALL Dominicans. Let us make this our focus.

DAAS founders mean business!

As Gabriel Christian put it, "The originators of the DAAS are not interested in this platform being a talk shop. It is our objective that each submission carries with it some scientific or other process with practical merit and which can assist the uplift of our people... "

DAAS is very fortunate to have a group of dedicated and accomplished Spokespersons with such passion for our homeland that they will stop at nothing to achieve the goals we have set for ouselves.

Why you should register with DAAS?

Because Dominica needs you. DAAS will collaborate with all Dominican organisations and individuals dedicated to the development of our homeland.

Who are our Spokespersons?

By virtue of membership, every registered member, in good standing, is a Spokesperson for the Academy.

This means you can:

Members who act as Spokespersons should inform the Public Relations Officer (PRO) for coordination purposes.

DISCLAIMER: Under no circumstance should spokespersons 'issue public statements on behalf of DAAS, not contained in its website, without prior approval of the President and Board of Directors'.
