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President's Annual Reports

Report for 2000-2004

    As we enter this New Year, 2005, I wanted to give a very brief review of the Dominica Academy of Arts & Sciences (DAAS) activities during its short existence from its incorporation in the US in May, 2002 to the present and to look at the future of the organization.

    The present management structure stands as follows:

Board of Directors


Dr Clayton Shillingford

Vice Chair

Dr Peter St Jean

Legal Advisor

Gabriel Christian

IT Specialist

Frazer Jones


James Abraham

Assistant Secretary

Ophelia Marie


Dr Ralph St Luce


Dr Dorothy Wills


Vincent John

Director (Treasurer)




Executive Committee, International


Dr Clayton Shillingford

Vice President

Gabriel Christian


Athenia Benjamin

Assistant Secretary


Public Relations Officer



Dr Thomson Fontaine

Assistant Treasurer

Bernard Hurtault

Research & Development Officer

Tony Seraphin


Raglan Riviere

Dominica Chapter Chair

Mona George- Dill

Executive, Local Chapter


Mona George Dill

Vice Chair

Dr Irvin Pascal


Francis Richards


Alexander Stephenson

    DAAS continues to operate through the various committees: Finance, Membership, News and Information, Agriculture amd Environment, Business and Economic Development, Health Assistance, Research and Development, Tourism and Hospitality, Education and Youth Development. Members of the Board and the Executive met in Buffalo in February to define plans for 2004. To date reports have been submitted by the chair of the Health Assistance and Agriculture Committees to give an account of projects identified at the Buffalo Meeting and other initiatives. Some of the DAAS achievements for 2004 and previous years can be seen on the website.

Chair of Working Committees

Agriculture & Environment

Dr Clayton Shillingford

Education & Youth

Athenia Benjamin

Tourism & Hospitality

Athenia Henry

Health Assistance

Marvlyn Birmingham


Dr Thomson Fontaine


Bernard Hurtault

Business & Economic Development

Dr Maureen Paul

Arts and Culture

Delmance Rasmo Moses

Research &Development

Dr Peter St Jean

Dominica-Diaspora Relations

Franklyn W. Watty

Emergency Relief

Gabriel Christian

News & Information (PRO)


Special Project Coordinator

Dominican Associations Worldwide

Petronella Savarin-John

    The key projects for 2004 were initiation of the agricultural recovery program, aid to Blows Agro-products, Dominica Medical professionals, health watch, renewed membership drive, crime prevention research, Save our Sons (SOS) and substance abuse prevention, mentoring, and guest lecture series. The year ended with preparation and presentation of the DAAS Draft Diaspora Policy Paper in October to the Government and the creation of a website to feature Dominica Botanical Gardens.  A prototype of the latter is expected to be released by the end of January, 2005. We are awaiting feed back from the Government on the policy paper.

    We have established bank accounts in the US and Dominica and are registered as a non-profit, charitable organization in the US and under the Companies Act in Dominica as DAAS Inc. We plan to register similarly in Canada and possibly in the UK. Attempts to raise funds through grants (Colgate-Palmolive, Bayer Americas) have not been successful to date. We are hoping that with the formation of a Grants Subcommittee under Finance and the newly established DAAS raffle we will be in a position to improve the financial status.

    We continue to work with affiliated Dominican associations, and other institutions where honorary members work. Examples are attendance and participation at the Commonwealth of Dominica Ontario Association (CDOA), Dominica UK Association (DUKA), Dominica Oversea Nationals Association (DONA), National Association of Youth in Agriculture (NAYA), ongoing collaboration with Archbold Tropical Research & Education Consortium (ATREC), Oceanographic Institute of Dominica (OID), and Clean and Sober Humans (CASH).

    A memorandum of Understanding was signed with Special Projects Assistance Team (SPAT), a local Development Agency, to facilitate partnership in agriculture, arts, sciences, and sustainable technology. An MOU has also been submitted to the Dominica State College (DSC) to assist in defining the relationship between DAAS and the DSC.

    There is a draft plan before the leadership of DAAS to establish a Community Center and Headquarters most likely in Washington. The intention here is to establish an international base for DAAS to serve as a physical headquarters, an educational center, and in part a museum of Dominican Diaspora efforts (cultural, social and economic).

    Elections are due this year. According to the DAAS By-laws, the BOD is elected for 3 years and approximately 1/3 of the directors should be elected each year. Term of the Executive is also 3 years and replacement occurs at the Annual General Meeting. An officer may only be elected twice, that is, to serve 9 years in the same office. I would like to encourage all members to read our By-laws to have a clearer understanding of the mission and purpose of DAAS, membership rules, the authority and composition of the BOD, Executive Committee, financial administration and the working committees.

    Let me wish our members every success for 2005 and hope that we will be better able to meet the challenges for DAAS in this New Year.