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The DAAS Mission

To engender a high quality of life at home and abroad by creating a unified global Dominican community committed to leveraging our intellectual, financial, and relationship capital to execute effective national development initiatives. See Objectives following.

Why Join DAAS

You can contribute from where you are! You've got the means, the ideas, the equipment and the technology. The Internet has shortened the distance between you and Dominica considerably. Today, you can virtually discuss an issue with others as if you were actually in a conference room or in Cabinet. Read more.

Membership Application

There are three membership categories:

  1. Regular - any skilled or professional adult Dominican;
  2. Associate - any unemployed Dominican Student;
  3. Honorary - for non-Dominicans who:
    • must be sponsored by a registered member and
    • must indicate their interest in and connection with Dominica.

Have you read the draft DA-DIASPORA POLICY PAPER presented to the Government of Dominica in 2004?
