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Lectures at DSC by Ron Charles, P.Ag

(Comments re guest lecture at Dominica State College, Stock Farm Campus)

Topic: 'Preserving and Protecting Farmland'

November 2, 2004 - This lecture was initiated and facilitated by Dr Clayton Shilling ford, president of the Dominica Academy of Arts and Sciences (DAAS). Guest lectures provide students with the opportunity to hear and learn from Dominican professionals in various disciplines. They also contribute to enhanced relationships between DAAS and Dominica State College.

    The objective of the slide presentation was to give the students an insight into the importance of food producing lands in an agricultural community and introduce examples of policy tools used to protect farming.
I approached this from the perspective of my recent work in agricultural planning with the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. This required that the students be given a 'snapshot' of agricultural production in British Columbia and the contribution of major agricultural commodities to the economy of the province. From there we examined the application of some planning instruments.

The more than 50 students who attended the lecture were very attentive and, after some initial coaxing, responded with several questions during the ensuing discussion period. The questions indicated a curiosity about agriculture in Canada and an awareness of agricultural concerns in Dominica. The latter revolved around the need for agricultural diversification, the state of the banana industry and the growing interest in organic farming.
DAAS - sponsored guest lectures and seminars that provide opportunities for students to actively participate in discussions, should be encouraged. In addition to the learning that takes place, such sessions are invaluable in encouraging critical thinking as well as developing confidence and public speaking skills.