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Local Chapter Minutes

Minutes of Nov. 15/2006

Minutes of meeting of the Interim Executive Board, DAAS local Chapter held on Wednesday November 15, 2006 at the Port of Call on Kennedy Ave, Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica. The meeting scheduled to commence at 5.00 p.m.

The meeting called to order at 5.20 p.m.

The following were: -


In attendance

Adoption of agenda
On a motion by Dr. Shillingford, seconded by Mr. Leevy, the following agenda adopted -
1) Consideration of Matters from the minutes of the two meetings on October 31, 2006.
2) Confirm/Affirm/Co-opt interim executive membership of the Dominica Chapter of the DAAS
3) Local membership List clarifications
4) Objectives of Chapter
5) Finance
6) Consideration and if see fit - approve proposed draft constitution of the Dominica Chapter of the DAAS previously circulated.
7) Proposed Plans and the way forward for the Dominica Chapter of the DAAS
8) Correspondence: -
a) Duty-free application
b) Diaspora Manual
c) Policy Paper
d) Proposed meeting with PM
9) Proposed date of General Meeting for: -
a) Approval of constitution
b) Elections of officers to serve on the Executive Board
c) Others…
10) Any Other Business: -
a) Patron for Chapter
b) Other.

Agenda Item # 1 - Minute # - Consideration of Matters from the minutes of the two meetings held on October 31, 2006.
Treasurer Local Chapter DAAS - Dr. Shillingford informed that Mr. Nicholas Waldron had accepted the post of Treasurer. He further informed that Mr. Waldron's signature had already been added to the signatory mandate at the National Bank of Dominica.
Agreed action and allocation of tasks to accomplish the following:-

  1. Reform the Executive Committee of the Local Chapter of the DAAS and these members to affirm commitment to serve in a positive manner. Noted - Current members of the interim executive were already committed to move the chapter forward.
    Informed - That Dr. Hazel Shillingford Ricketts expressed interest in serving and would be co-opted accordingly.
  2. Prepare list of financial members of the local chapter.
    Noted - List presented by the Chair. Agreed - The Chair would prepare updated list of financial and non-financial members in collaboration with the Treasurer, Mr. Waldron.
  3. Identify a team among members of the local chapter to represent or prepare proposals and would be also influential in making representation to Government for and on behalf of Dominican in the Diaspora.
    Noted - team already established led by Dr. Shillingford and/or Mr. Bellot and would co-opt members in support as the need arose.
  4. Prepare statement of action leading to the next AGM.
    Agreed - The Secretary would prepare matters in compliance with draft constitution
  5. Structure the local chapter for formalization at the next AGM.
    Agreed - The Secretary would prepare and present to interim executive before AGM.
  6. Prepare agenda and convene the next Annual General Meeting of the local chapter.
    Agreed - The Secretary would prepare and present to interim executive before AGM.
  7. Prepare and present short-term plan or paper on expectation of the chapter, for the next year or two, on the way forward in mobilizing efforts and information sharing.
    Agreed - This be best done by the elected Executive Board after the next AGM.
  8. Establish Website to link members.
    Agreed - This to be assigned by the elected Executive Board after the next AGM.
  9. Coordinate with members in Europe and North America on their functionality and linkage to Dominica.
    Agreed - Local Chapter to coordinate with Government and establish communication links.
  10. Press statement/release on the main function of the DAAS that will assist in the development of Dominica.
    Noted - Press release dated November 13, 2006
  11. Formalize "Terms of Reference" for local chapter.
    Agreed - The function of the Chapter to be defined.

Agenda Item # 2 - Minute # - Confirm/Affirm/Co-opt interim executive membership of the Dominica Chapter of the DAAS
Agreed - the current members who volunteered to serve on the interim Executive Board and already expressed their committed in moving the local chapter forward would guide preparation for the next AGM.

Agenda Item # 3 - Minute # - Local membership List clarifications
Agreed - Revised list to be prepared by the Chair assisted by the Treasurer and Secretary.
Noted - Through Mr. Bellot, Ms J Peters was given an advance of EC$200 to complete the membership list. Further noted that Dr. Shillingford made available the amount of EC$300 from his personal fund to finance that project which was still outstanding.
Agreed - Annual membership dues for 2007 to remain at EC$40 payable in advance. Dues become due and payable before March 31, 2007.

Agenda Item # 4 - Minute # - Objectives of Chapter Informed that objectives of the Chapter were incorporated in the proposed draft constitution.

Agenda Item # 5 - Minute # - Finance Noted - a financial report was not available because the Treasurer was absent.
Informed - The cash balance at the National Bank of Dominica as at September 30, 2006; was EC$4,837.27.
Noted - email dated November 15, 2006 from Dr. Shillingford in reference to a number of properties in Dominica, including two small housing lots at Mero, bequeathed by Mr. Willard De Filipps. Agreed - property to be included on the list of assets of the Chapter.
Further noted - one lot with a small house at Mero being rented unfurnished to Mr. Joslyn Charles at EC$175 monthly and Ms Shipley [449 6292 / 266 5578] acts as property manager.
Informed - transfer of title to be organized for properties. Fees estimated at about EC$10,000. Suggested - an application for waiver of fees be made to the Government of Dominica.

Agenda Item # 6 - Minute # - Consideration and if see fit - approve proposed draft constitution of the Dominica Chapter of the DAAS previously circulated.
Agreed - approval of constitution as circulated and this to be presented to the next AGM for ratification.

Agenda Item # 7 - Minute # - Proposed Plans and the way forward for the Dominica Chapter of the DAAS
Agreed - future plans to be formulated in keeping with objectives of the Chapter and consideration be given to incorporation of these objectives into projects proposals that may arise from time to time.

Agenda Item # 8 - Minute # - Correspondence: -
a) Duty-free application
Informed - letter dated October 31, 2006 sent to Government on the captioned matter. Noted - response not yet received.
b) Diaspora Manual
Informed - of guide for returning Dominican to consider the following: -
§ Consular Service
§ Government operations/function
§ General Guidelines for returnees
Noted - The Guyana Government had a model prepared for its returning nationals. Further noted that Ms Fagan of the Honorable Prime Minister's office had a copy of that document.
Agreed - This model form Guyana would be used as a guide along with any other model that would be available. A draft model specific to Dominica would be prepared and circulated to members before submission to Government.
c) Policy Paper
Agreed - This would be discussed at the meeting with the Honorable Prime Minister.
d) Proposed meeting with PM
Agreed - The Chair to request a meeting with the Honorable Prime Minister. Dr. Shillingford and Mr. Bellot would draft letter requesting meeting. A delegation to include members of the Executive Board of the local chapter would accompany Shillingford/Bellot at meeting with PM.

Agenda Item # 9 - Minute # - Proposed date of General Meeting
Agreed - final date for the AGM would be left open pending confirmation from Dr. Shillingford of the likely date he would return to Dominica. Noted - understanding that Dr. Shillingford would return in January 2007.
a) Approval of constitution
Agreed - the circulated draft constitution would be presented for likely approval at the next AGM of the local Chapter.
b) Elections of officers to serve on the Executive Board Agreed - election would be held for a complete Executive Board at the next AGM of the local chapter of the DAAS

Agenda Item # 10 - Minute # - Any Other Business: -
a) Patron for Chapter
Agreed - the captioned matter be discussed and decided by the full membership.
Suggested - Reverend Watty be considered
Agreed - the Chair would email members for other suggestions
There being no further business the meeting ended at 6.47 p.m.

Thomas Dorsett
Interim Secretary
Dominica Chapter of the DAAS
Confirmed this day of (), 2006
Parry Bellot
Interim President/Chairman
Dominica Chapter of the DAAS.