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.In an effort to develop a more enlightened policy towards Dominicans abroad, as well as to address concerns they may have should they decide to return home, we are conducting this survey which will help us prepare a Policy Paper to present to government. It will address also the quality of services delivered to nationals abroad; how these nationals can further the interest of the island in the places where they reside; and how they can help in the economic development of our homeland. This survey is one part of that effort.
The information you provide will be confidential, and no names are required.
We encourage you to draw this Survey to the attention of other Dominicans who have returned home after residing abroad and encourage them to fill it out. Completed survey forms should be sent by e-mail to springfield2@cwdom.dm or if in paper form to:
Mona George-Dill,
C/o Springfield Guest House
Commonwealth of Dominica
1. In what year did you leave and return to Dominica? Left _____ Returned ______
2. In what country were you resident? ________________________________
3. Did you retire and are now pensioned from employment overseas? Yes ___ No ___
4. Your occupation, skill or area of experience? ______________________________
5. Are you presently in gainful employment? Yes _____ No _______
6. If yes to Q 5, state whether self-employed ______ or paid employment __________
7. If retired, approximate range of pension (EC $) (a) under $20,000___ (b) $20000 - $50,000 _______(c) $50,000 - $75,000 ______ (d) $75,000 - $100,000 _______
(e) $100,000 - $150,000 _______ (f) Over $150,000 ________
8. Approximate value of any investments made in Dominica since your return?
(a) Residential construction or renovation ($EC) ________________
(b) Agricultural investment ____________________
(c) Commercial development _____________________
(d) Industrial Operations _______________________
(e) Other (state) ________________________
9. Are you involved in any community, social, recreational, religious group or organization in Dominica since your return. Yes ____ No _______. If yes, please describe. __________________________________________________
10. Were you satisfied with the range of services provided to you by Government while a national abroad? Yes ____ No _____
11. If no, please describe any areas of dissatisfaction. ________________________________________
12. How would you correct the problems in Q 11, above? ________________________________________
13. Have you been generally satisfied with the decision to return?
a)Very Satisfied ______
b)Satisfied ______
c)Dissatisfied ______
d)Very Dissatisfied. _______
14. If 13 © or 13 (d), please describe the reasons for your dissatisfaction _____________________________
15. How would you suggest that the conditions in Q 14 be improved? ________________________________________
16. Do you have skills and knowledge that you would be prepared to share with the Dominican society on a volunteer basis? Yes ___ No ___
17. Under what conditions would you share such skills? ________________________________________
18. Please add any comments or ideas you may think necessary. __________________________________________________________________
E-mail (if available)
Thank you for taking time to assist us in this very important effort.
God bless you and your family, and may God bless Dominica!
W.R.Franklin Watty (Chair)