Photos of Dominica Legislative Councils and Cabinets


This website is intended to be a repository of photographs of past Dominica Executive Councils and Cabinets, and the people who served in them. It will help preserve that element of Dominican history, and will be readily available to the public. The photographs are not the best, but will serve our purpose until better copies are found.

Dominica Government photographs turn up randomly or in the possession of individuals whose relatives might be in those photos. These photos are important historical documents of Dominica's Executive Councils and Cabinets that have provided the political leadership of the island over the years. But while providing a link with the past political leadership of our island community, they also challenge all of the next generation to provide the necessary leadership that will take us into a future of vibrant economic growth, widespread opportunity for all, and pride in our little island nation. And some of this challenge falls particularly on the shoulders of those whose forebears provided this leadership in the past. It is a heritage to be proud of and one well worth preserving and emulating.

The Dominica Academy of Arts and Sciences (DAAS) will honor these past political leaders on this website with their photographs in past Dominica Executive Councils and Cabinets. We are soliciting other Dominica Executive Council and Cabinet photos from the public at large. We started with the photos provided by Ewart LeBlanc and Dense Shillingford, and we thank them both. We are also grateful to Ms Magdalene Robin, Chief Librarian of the Documentation Center, who provided invaluable help in identifying the people in many of the photos. Those of you who have other photos, please make an effort to dig then up and send us copies. We regret the quality of some of these photos; they are old and perhaps copied several times, but these are the best we have. If you have better photos, send them also. Photos can be sent as email attachments or hardcopy.

Finally, I cannot emphasize too much that this is not my thing, it is ours. I'm merely being a vehicle to get it done, because I think it is important to do so, to make this information readily available to the public. We will recognize appropriately all those individuals whose photographs are used. Thanks for your help.

Davison Shillingford
Wellington, FL 33449
August 2014
Tel: 561-791-7472